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Great Oak Malta 

IBAN: MT53APSB77013000000041740210013


Mozart Italia Malta Association

IBAN: MT98APSB77013000000046758410016


Grande Quercia A.P.S.*
​IBAN: IT54J0303220800010000207009
Credem Bank - Rovereto


IF YOU WANT TO DONATE TO Grande Quercia A.P.S. THE 5 X 1000

WRITE 94039690220




*Grande Quercia A.P.S. is a social promotion association (Aps) registered in the single national register of the Third Sector (Runts),

starting from 07 November 2022.

Pursuant to art.83, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Legislative Decree. 117/2017:

  • Natural persons can deduct 30% of the amount paid from the gross tax up to a maximum of 30,000 euros for each tax period (art.83, c.1);

  • Natural persons (as an alternative to the deduction), organizations and companies can deduct the amount paid within the limit of 10% of the total declared income; the excess can be deducted in the following four financial years (art.83, c.2).

Please remember that the disbursement of the same via banks, post offices or other payment system provided for by article 23 of the legislative decree of 9 July 1997, n. is a condition for the deductibility or deductibility of donations. 241.

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Grande Quercia A.P.S.

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Fratelli Bronzetti Street, 12 - 38068 Rovereto (TN) - ITALY                                                                                
P.IVA 02298980224 - C.F. 94039690220                                                                                                                  
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