Tal Gnejna, Triq L-Iskrivit Limiti Tà
L-Imgarr MGR1750 - Malta
IBAN: MT53APSB77013000000041740210013
GREAT OAK MALTA, was established in 2017 after some members of the “Associazione Grande Quercia” of Rovereto (Italy) moved to Malta. It is an autonomous, voluntary and non-profit organization with the aim of conducting social activities for its members and third parties, in the fields of solidarity, development cooperation, international solidarity, training, education, theatre and music.
It carries out advocacy activities "to give a voice to those who have no voice" denouncing, through artistic activities, the injustice which is an obstacle to enjoy the rights included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Association creates and carries out projects, as well as musical and theatrical shows, which are inspired by Peace and Human Rights, focussing in particular on the education of the younger generations, to promote a peaceful coexistence of all cultures, at the centre of which there is human dignity and a conscious lifestyle and responsible for integrating the development of society with the environment.

Our artistic groups are made up of children and young people with the aim of spreading the culture of human rights, peace, tolerance and solidarity, through song, music, dance and theatre, as follows: Children's dances for Peace, Children's spiritual voices, Great Oak Malta Theatre Group.
We intend to promote children's well-being in general by helping them develop performance skills by nurturing their talents, so they can grow creatively and socially. Through the performing arts our students develop life skills such as creativity, courage, resilience, self-esteem, self-awareness of their own potential, concentration, ability to collaborate and listen; we offer contents that highlight human rights, justice and peace; helping them to become more responsible both for themselves and for others, teaching them to set in motion the willpower, which is a fundamental skill to be able to achieve their future goals.