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Tal Gnejna, Triq L-Iskrivit Limits Tà

L-Imgarr MGR1750 - Malta


First The Mozart Italia Association was born in Rovereto (TN) on 12 January 1991, the year in which the bicentenary of Mozart's death occurred, thanks to the harmony of a large circle of enthusiasts and the desire to deepen the study of Mozart's work.

Rovereto, located on the border between Germanic and Latin culture, was the first stop on the journey to Italy that the young Mozart undertook with his father in 1769 and since 1987 has hosted the Mozart Festival, an annual series of concerts and meetings dedicated mostly to the great master from Salzburg. Just at Christmas 1769, in the halls of Palazzo Todeschi, Mozart held his first concert on this side of the Alpine arc.

Associazione Mozart Italia Malta is part of the AMI's network, with the purpose of conducting activities in the fields of music aimed to disseminate knowledge of the work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart both in Malta and throughout the world and unite all the lovers of Mozart's figure and work in an ideal universal bond. In particular it works at giving greater opportunities to the young generations of musicians and young composers. The activities of the Association also are in the field of musicals and theatre, international cultural and music exchanges, music training and education, Music Festivals and Competitions. The Association sees Music and Arts in general as a privileged means to promote a peaceful coexistence of all cultures, at the center of which there are human dignity.

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