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Maria Baroni

Educator of 'Community Building 2022' Project


One of the youngest staff-members, since childhood she has trod the stages as an actress and singer in the shows of the Grande Quercia Association; with the youth theater group between 2011 and 2019 she took part in La casa dei Bambini, Le Farfalle del Campo, Respect for Childhood, The Garden of Life, The Shining Sword, Pierino and the Wolf, The Vanity Giraffe, The Castle of 4 draghi, La vita di San Francesco, Le Rose dei Balcani, I have a Dream in Italian and English, Il Cammino, after which she joined the adult theater group where she took part among other things in Eastern Star and The Holy Week in English. She is part of Great Oak's Choir and Theather Group. In 2022 she joined the cast of La Banda delle Saette, a series of short films curated by the Great Oak Malta Association.

Since February 2021 she has been involved as curator of the practical aspects in the 'Community Building' project of Great Oak Malta, an experiment of sharing and coexistence of a group of pre-adolescents in order to develop social skills.

She is attending the Bachelor of Divinity at the University of London, where she studies humanities and issues related to current affairs and social matters.

She is also fond of nature, as she is currently training as a Heritage Park Federation volunteer Ranger at the Majjistral National Nature Park in Malta, where she helps with the safeguard of protected species, the maintenance of the park, the control of compliance with the rules concerning hunting and the activities granted to visitors. 

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