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Elisabetta Murdaca

Human rights Coordinator


She was born and raised in Rome where she graduated in Law with a thesis in Criminal Law ("The Parental Guarantee Position"). Enabled in the forensic practice in 2004, she moved to Rovereto (Trento) and collaborated with a law firm. Subsequently engaged in the role of mother of two children, she temporarily suspended the practice of the profession, but not her training. In particular she has dealt with the many issues related to the implementation of the protection of children's rights.
She obtained the certificate valid for enrollment in the lists of law defenders before the Juvenile Court and for inclusion in the Attorneys' Lists for legal aid in the field of Family Law. She attended in Bologna the "High Education Course in Legal Child Psychology - Civil Module" organized by the Italian Center for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Infancy and Adolescence (C.i.Ps.Ps.i.a) (2013).
She participated in the professional training course "Successful use of the European Court of Human Rights: from theory to practice", organized by the European Center for Legal Cooperation (CECJ) at the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (2014). She is constantly dedicated to training on international cooperation and human rights. She is member of the Trentino branch of Cam.Mino, National Family Attorney's Room and Minors. 

Since October 2020 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Villa Maria social cooperative.

In February 2021 she obtained the title of socio-pedagogical professional educator.

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